Hotel IMLAUER Vienna

Detailed directions to the Hotel IMLAUER Vienna

  • By public transportation:
    Rapid transit railroad (S-Bahn) (takes approx. 40 minutes) (tickets available at the rapid transit station) At the airport, take the S7 (direction Floridsdorf) and change at Praterstern station to the U2 (direction Karlsplatz). Take the U2 to Taborstrasse station. Then take the Taborstraße exit, cross the street and after 3 minutes you will reach Rotensterngasse.

    CAT CITY AIRPORT TRAIN (duration approx. 40 minutes) (tickets available at the airport) Take the CAT to Wien Landstrasse station (direct journey) and change there to the U4 (direction Heiligenstadt) to Schwedenplatz station. From here, change to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) until you get off at Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

    AIRPORT BUS (duration approx. 30-40 minutes) (tickets available from the driver) The bus goes directly into the city center (Schwedenplatz). At Schwedenplatz change to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) and get off at Nestroyplatz. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

  • By cab:
    (duration approx. 20 minutes) The price is € 49 for 1 – 4 people and € 80 for 5 – 8 people per trip. In order to organize the transfer for you, we need your flight details (flight number and airline, name of the departure airport, arrival day and arrival time). The driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals hall in front of the Burger King (please keep to the right) with a sign (labeled with your name).

  • By train:
    Central Station (duration 15 minutes) (tickets available at the station) Take the U1 (direction Leopoldau) and get off at Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

    Westbahnhof (duration 30 minutes) (ticket available at the station) Take the U3 (direction Simmering) and change at Stephansplatz station to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) until you reach Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

  • By car:
    We are located at Rotensterngasse 10-12, 1020 Vienna, which can be accessed from Taborstraße.

    Because there are so many ways to get to Vienna, we recommend entering the address into the navigation system to find the best route for you.

    You can park your car in the IMLAUER garage for € 26 per day, subject to availability. We offer you 2 e-charging stations, where you can charge for 0,45 €/kWh. The reservation of a charging station is not possible, but we ask you to let us know if you are interested so that we can note this in your booking.


Hotel IMLAUER Vienna

Detailed directions to the Hotel IMLAUER Vienna

  • By public transportation:
    Rapid transit railroad (S-Bahn) (takes approx. 40 minutes) (tickets available at the rapid transit station) At the airport, take the S7 (direction Floridsdorf) and change at Praterstern station to the U2 (direction Karlsplatz). Take the U2 to Taborstrasse station. Then take the Taborstraße exit, cross the street and after 3 minutes you will reach Rotensterngasse.

    CAT CITY AIRPORT TRAIN (duration approx. 40 minutes) (tickets available at the airport) Take the CAT to Wien Landstrasse station (direct journey) and change there to the U4 (direction Heiligenstadt) to Schwedenplatz station. From here, change to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) until you get off at Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

    AIRPORT BUS (duration approx. 30-40 minutes) (tickets available from the driver) The bus goes directly into the city center (Schwedenplatz). At Schwedenplatz change to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) and get off at Nestroyplatz. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

  • By cab:
    (duration approx. 20 minutes) The price is € 49 for 1 – 4 people and € 80 for 5 – 8 people per trip. In order to organize the transfer for you, we need your flight details (flight number and airline, name of the departure airport, arrival day and arrival time). The driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals hall in front of the Burger King (please keep to the right) with a sign (labeled with your name).

  • By train:
    Central Station (duration 15 minutes) (tickets available at the station) Take the U1 (direction Leopoldau) and get off at Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

    Westbahnhof (duration 30 minutes) (ticket available at the station) Take the U3 (direction Simmering) and change at Stephansplatz station to the U1 (direction Leopoldau) until you reach Nestroyplatz station. Then take the Rotensterngasse exit and walk along the street until you reach our hotel on the left-hand side of the street.

  • By car:
    We are located at Rotensterngasse 10-12, 1020 Vienna, which can be accessed from Taborstraße.

    Because there are so many ways to get to Vienna, we recommend entering the address into the navigation system to find the best route for you.

    You can park your car in the IMLAUER garage for € 26 per day, subject to availability. We offer you 2 e-charging stations, where you can charge for 0,45 €/kWh. The reservation of a charging station is not possible, but we ask you to let us know if you are interested so that we can note this in your booking.