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Dishes served in a pan have a long tradition in Austria. Whether it’s a game pancake or a farmer’s feast – everything is lovingly and tastily prepared and served in a pan.

In earlier times, eating together from a pan was very common, especially in rural areas. Many dishes were created here that are once again popular today. However, the dishes are now served individually for each person in the restaurant in their own pans ;-) .

At the IMLAUER brewery restaurant in Salzburg, you can enjoy delicious Pfandl dishes from September 17 to October 3, 2022.
Pfandl dishes

Pinzgauer Kasnocken

One of our most popular Pfandl dishes, which we have on our menu all year round, is Pinzgauer Kasnocken. Head chef Adis Balic from the IMLAUER brewery restaurant reveals his recipe for this hearty vegetarian dish.

Ingredients for 2 people

200 g flour type 700 (plain)

200 g flour type 480 (coarse-grained)

6 organic eggs size M

1/8 liter cold water

100 g onion

150 g Pinzgau beer cheese

Salt, white pepper, nutmeg

Chives to taste

This is how it’s done:

Mix the two types of flour, the spices and the eggs well with a wooden spoon until you have a smooth mixture. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and rub the mixture through a spaetzle sieve. Stir again and again to prevent the spaetzle from sticking together.

Simmer for a good 7 minutes, stirring regularly. Then rinse in cold water and drain in a colander.

Fry the finely chopped onion with a little oil in a well-coated pan until translucent (without color) and then add the spaetzle.

Toast to taste and then add the grated or finely diced Pinzgau beer cheese. Add a little beef stock so that the cheese can melt well.

Now it’s time to taste! Ground pepper or a little salt make the Kasnocken really tasty. But be careful with the salt, as the Pinzgau beer cheese also has a lot of seasoning. After a few minutes in the pan, the dumplings should develop a nice roasted aroma and become really tasty.

Serve in a dish and garnish with chives and fried onions.

I wish you a good appetite

Adis Balic / Head Chef Brewery Restaurant IMLAUER

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